Monday, April 30, 2012

Garage Day

OK. So day two is in the bag and it's been a pretty monumental day. Mixed, of course, with a whole big pile of crap. Can't have too much MONU without the MENTAL. The alarm clock went off at 7am sharp and I got up at 7:47, sharp. My day started as it always does. Walking two sleepy cold dogs who'd rather be under the covers. They won't have much longer to be cold. As soon as I brought them back in, I got on the phone with AT&T to try and get my cell service switched from the family plan to just my name. Well, you would have thought that I was asking for the actual AT&T representative to fly here from India and fluff my pillow. 2 hours later, still everything exactly the same. Lots of apologies but no results. Got home at 6pm tonight and still more of the same with slightly more India, if that's possible. In between, I had to take my car into the garage where I bought it (I have a warranty)and get a couple things fixed and a few things checked. Again, nothing. is. ever. easy. Say it with me: Nothing. Is. Ever. Easy. 7 hours later I'm home. No lie, I waited for 7 hours. People often tell me I don't have any patience or enough patience and then I see myself waiting at the car dealer for 7 hours or on the phone with AT&T for 2 hours. I think I AM patient. I think I may be the most patient man in the world! My buddy, Sam was gracious enough to rescue me for a couple hours of lunch and even picked up the tab. If I knew he was going to buy I would have ordered more than a turkey club, but what ya gonna do? We had a great talk about life and work and kids...he has one. It's changed him. For the better. Who knew it could have. But it did. He was quite the lady killer before his daughter came along. Which leads me back to the intensity of Len. Allow me to introduce you to Len. Len is the owner of the car dealer...and he is intense. So much so in fact he makes me nervous. so nervous in fact that I have to concentrate on breathing while I'm there or I think I may just have a stroke watching and listening to him. He is drama. Big time!I think that anyone who owns and operates a business is crazy. either own it OR operate it. NOT both. If you're there every day being the owner and being the operator, you will die a young man! I'm convinced. Yelling at employees. Talking on two phones at the same time. 4 customers at once. Crazy! ALL day! Stressed me out just being there. At one point I found myself standing outside in the rain just to get away from it and it felt good.Point is his daughter, his princess daughter, maybe 4 years old, showed up and it was the only time I saw him smile all day. A REAL smile. It made me smile. Still does. Then of course, the actual work on the car. Well, that can't go right can it??!! Of course not!! When is it ever easy? Who else do you know that waits 7 hours at the garage!!?? Exactly, Mr Patience. That's me. Two defective parts. all kinds of trouble. Just nuts. Car seems to be running good though. everything fixed. Then came the call that I was waiting for. Ya know, I hadn't actually gotten any job in Key West yet! I was hoping. I was praying! Well, not really praying. But I was hoping. The call came around 3pm today. Would I come work for the New Pirate radio in Key West?! Would I!!?? Hell Yea! I'll be doing an afternoon show and selling some ads. Cake. nothing to it. FUN! Tomorrow is packing day. Also got to fill a script and got to the post office and after all that's done, laundry. I can't put it off any longer. I hate it. Hate the whole concept of it. It's mind numbing. It sucks. Laundry. What a dumb word. Sucks even worse when you have to go to the laundry-mat. So you take a dumb sucky word and put mat with it. UGH. The people at a laundry mat. UGH! I can't take it. But, until I train my dogs to do my laundry or figure out another way, it's the laundry-mat for me. Then, Wednesday....OFF to KW! See ya tomorrow.