Well my first full day back in the fabulous Florida keys and key west. It was a pretty full day. I met my old friend Don first thing today and that was great. Was surprised by how much weight he'd lost...he looked great! He had a meeting to go to downtown so all he had time for was a cup of coffee, but it was nice to see him nonetheless. He's become a real tour de force in my life. A father figure. I love him. He gives me great advice and I know he has my back and he knows I have his. Good solid friendship. Funny how sometimes in life the oddest of pairs can become such good friends.
Then it was up the keys to my old haunt, Boondocks to meet up with more great friends, The Williams Clan. Haven't changed a bit! Chicken Little, Keith, Kendra and her man Kevin. We had a nice lunch. At some point, one of the owners came out and after a hug grabbed my ring finger and said "still in love"? I had to tell him that I was but my other half wasn't. It sort of started a tough afternoon. Here's another weird thing about life; the things people say. How in the world could he have known that that would have impacted me so much? He was just making conversation. Just being nice. But it sent me in a tailspin of emotions. You know that place was where we had our "reception". It was a tough afternoon. But later in the evening, got some good advice.
Then, it was on to the new radio station. Pirate Radio. Wanted to check out the studio and get a look at the setup. It was awesome! Really very cool. It's location is at a marina overlooking the water. Beautiful. Peaceful. Very excited. Going to actually pull a shift tomorrow from 4-7. Funny how after all these years I'm still able to make a living in radio.
Then it was home to see my babies and go for a little walk and take a snooze together. They're doing just fine by the way. Upset there isn't anymore grass to eat, but good anyway. They're both KW dogs and when we got to NY and they discovered real grass they also discovered a real taste for it! Sorry doggies.
Day wrapped up with a ride down Duval and a free concert as part of the KW songwriters festival. Great festival every year that brings the country's best singers and songwriters to KW. I stayed for an hour or so, saw a couple people I knew and then hightailed it home. Don't want to overdue the excitement factor all in one day....
oh the great advice.
While walking to the concert, CL called me an invited me to a family Sunday dinner and we got to talking about how hard lunch was emotionally for me, I got a little misty a couple of times, I know I know, a real blast to have around. And she said, all the money in the world can't fix what I'm feeling. I just have to put one foot in front of the other and get thru it. Thought that was pretty damn good.
Funny. Funny how great advice comes from the people you love the most.